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The Need&Impacts matrix is a decision-making tool that assists teams to prioritize needs and manage their time more efficiently.You can put your description here, or leave this blank.
Completing a customer journey map will help you to understand pain points, opportunity areas and potential solutions. You should update your customer journey map from"as is" to "to be" as you learn more about your customers through interactions with them.You can customize the items per row, image height and margin.
The Idea Selection Canvas will help you make the right prioritize decision in terms of which idea packs, concepts or features to take forward.
All the data of the in-depth insight conversations with the target persona are analyzed and made meaningful in 4 sections.
Lean Model is designed specifically for early stage ideas; it pivots on addressing learned customer problems and solutions and through a unique value proposition, it delivers them to target customers.
The persona is a tool designed to help you draw your customer segment as a person. The tool helps you discover your target people's demographic information, past experiences, current life, future expectations, behavioral orientations.
The objective/scope canvas will help your team to understand current situation and align on the scope of your innovation project.
If you need to download tools, please contact us.